With their petite yet impactful blooms, mini carnations (dianthus caryophyllus) serve as the perfect accent for any floral design. Available in a variety of vibrant colors, from soft pastels to bright, bold hues, these mini carnations are versatile and add a touch of elegance to any floral display. Whether used as a standalone bouquet or combined with other flowers, these mini carnations are sure to make a statement. Their long-lasting nature also makes them an ideal choice for gifting or decorating any space.
Look for firm, half-open buds for standard carnations, and stems with three or fewer open buds for spray carnations. Stems are strong but snap easily, and calyx tend to split, so choose carefully.
Because carnations are so long-lasting, they may be packed and shipped dry. Treat dry-shipped carnations by recutting and hydrating for at least four hours at room temperature, in a warm solution 96°F (35°C) with a pH of 3.5. Additional anti-ethylene treatment should not be necessary if the flowers were pretreated by the grower.
Carnations may be stored at 34–36°F (1–2°C) at 90–95% humidity for up to four days. Protect stems against direct sunlight or heat, as they will damage the leaves.